Anti-bullying Week 2022
Anti-bullying Week 2022
In our PSHE lessons for this week, we have all been looking at anti- bullying. Each year group took a slightly different focus but the emphasis was on understanding what bullying is and how we can be kind to others.
In Year 3, they explored the idea of bullying including what bullying was and how it could affect different people in different ways. Our definition was:
Bully is the act of repeatedly being unkind (physical and verbal) over a period of time causing upset or hurt to someone.
They looked at a story and how bullying was shown through it. Following this, they thought about ways they could stop bullying by making hand prints on coloured paper.
In Year 4, the children linked their knowledge of what bullying is to a story. They thought about how it may feel to be bullied, and how it may feel to be a witness, and what to do. They discussed their thoughts together.
In Year 5, the children discussed key terms such as racism and homophobia. We looked at what turns an unkind act into bullying and what to do if we suspect ourselves, or others, of being bullied. We then created our own questions to make a snakes and ladders game based on the key themes from the lesson.
In Year 6, they have been discussing this year's anti-bullying theme: reaching out. They recapped their understanding of bullying and how this differs from rude or mean behaviour at school. We then went through some hypothetical scenarios in order to apply our understanding, then discussed how we could reach out to these particular individuals who were experiencing bullying. They discussed different types of bullying, including cyberbullying and compared these, again reinforcing their understanding of bullying and how we could reach out to those experiencing it.