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At Oakridge Federation we believe that having good handwriting is essential for pupils to become  capable writers. It is important to us that our children take pride in the presentation of their work and strive towards achieving a legible and fluid handwriting style that allows them to write confidently and apply themselves fully to all areas of the curriculum.  Handwriting is taught and practised regularly in short discreet lessons. Starting in EYFS pupils are first taught to:

  • Develop fine and gross motor skills
  • Develop spatial awareness
  • Develop visual and motor memory 
  • Hold a pencil correctly using a tripod grip
  • Correct letter formation 

Once we are confident that the children are secure in their letter formation, they are taught to join letters from year 2 in order to write cursively.  In KS2, pupils focus on developing their legibility, consistency and quality of their handwriting. In KS2 children are also motivated to achieve consistent and fluid handwriting to 'earn their pen' in Year 4 or 5.