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Eco-Committee Leader - Emma Becousse

What is the Eco-Committee?

Our Eco-Committee is a group of students who, with the support of Mrs Becousse, lead the Eco-Schools programme at Oakridge. The Eco-Committee regularly meets throughout the academic year to plan and deliver environmental projects and inspire other students and the wider school community. Oakridge's Eco-Committee members are children from a range of year groups across the junior school who have applied to take part in the work of the Eco-Committee.

As an Eco-Committee, so far this year, we have:

  • mind-mapped ideas for being more environmentally friendly;
  • created signs for classrooms to encourage people to turn off lights (to save electricity) and taps (to save water)
  • started presentations to educate others.

In the future, we are going to research schemes for recycling clothing and ink cartridges among other things and create a resource for parents to encourage them to reuse and recycle.