The Junior Cabin
Welcome to The Junior Cabin!
In the Junior Cabin, our teacher is Miss Irving, and our Learning Support Assistant (LSA) is Miss Jackman.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher. You can speak to your child’s class teacher by phoning the school and requesting an appointment if they are not around at pick-up.
Keep referring back to this page for regular updates about the children's learning.
Curriculum Newsletters
Update - Friday 13th December 2024
This term, in English, we started by looking at character descriptions. First, we discussed words we could use to describe what characters look like and their appearance. We looked at characters from well-known fairy tales and practised writing sentences about these before moving on to our own characters! We were lucky enough to spend time designing our own Dojo monster for the cabin and then used this to write our character descriptions about it! Some of us focused on coordinating conjunctions, while others had more challenging skills, like expanded noun phrases and subordinating conjunctions! Everyone did some fantastic writing, and we thoroughly enjoyed the unit! Here are some of the dojos that we designed!
In maths this term, we have all been concentrating on learning our timetables and using this knowledge to answer various questions. We still need lots of practice on this, so any work at home would be really helpful!
The cabin will be performing their own Christmas poem on the playground at the Christmas Carol Concert, and we are working hard to perfect this performance for everyone! Already, the children have been showing vast improvements in confidence, projection and general speaking skills. Hopefully, they will blow you all away at the concert!
Update - Friday 4th October 2024
In English, we have been rehearsing the story of The Lion and the Mouse. We started this week by writing down key vocabulary that we would need to include in our own versions of the story. Then, we spent the rest of the week writing each part of the story from memory. The children did this beautifully, and it was great to see how much they could remember the story and how this then transferred to their final pieces!
This week in maths, the orange group have been adding and subtracting but using number lines to help them to count. They found this tricky at first, but soon got the hang of it and are now doing this confidently! Alongside this, the green group started their addition and subtraction unit and has been using place value charts to understand what happens to a number when we add or subtract 1s, 10s, 100s or 1000s. This will then help them understand the column addition and subtraction process that we are moving onto next week!
Update - Thursday 26th September 2024
This week in English we started learning the fable The Lion and The Mouse. We will be retelling the fable at the end of the unit so started off by learning the story and putting actions to it to help us to remember it! We rehearsed and verbally retold the story in lots of different ways and added a bit more to the story each day!
In maths, orange group started their addition and subtraction unit by applying their number bonds to 10 in lots of different ways before moving on and using their knowledge of place value to add 1s, 10s and 100s to different 3 digit numbers. Green group have been looking at rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. They found this tricky at first and lots of practise was needed before they were confident with this process.
Update - Friday 20th September 2024
In English, we wrote our final pieces for Spy Fox and had to write the ending of the story. All the children worked their hardest to include all the key points of the story and make it as exciting as possible! Their hands were aching by the time they finished!
Green group in maths will be moving onto rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and the orange group will be moving onto addition and subtraction. All the children have been practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Updated - Friday 13th September 2024
This week in the cabin we have been creating sentences using sentence cubes. Our focus has been coherency and how we then write these sentences into our books. We have been working hard on our handwriting and this has definitely improved in our books in just a week.
In maths, we are still looking at place value and both groups should be finishing off with this before moving onto addition and subtraction in the next week or so.
Please remember that the cabin will have PE and outdoor learning on Fridays so will need their kit. It was outdoor learning this week so will be PE next week.
Updated - Friday 6th September 2024
The cabin had a great start to the year and all the children have settled in beautifully!
We started our English unit by watching part of the short clip Spy Fox on Literacy Shed. We only watched half of the video and then the children started thinking about what might happen at the end! They came up with some great ideas. As part of this unit, the children will be practising forming coherent sentences and working hard on their handwriting and presentation.
In maths, the children have been revising their previous knowledge of place value and stretching this to bigger numbers and more complicated concepts. They have worked really hard to understand partitioning numbers and green group has flown through this!
Well done everyone for a fantastic first week of term!